We want to invite those moms who are in a season with young children to join us for a fellowship designed specially to refresh, spiritually engage and provide fellowship in this busy season of life. We hope you can join us the first Tuesday morning of every month from 10:00am-12:00pm in classroom 2 at Springs Church. The group will be hosted by Beth Petillo with special guest speakers every month. Childcare will be provided by an RSVP through the button below. If you have additional questions, please contact us through info@springs.church.
Arise is a gathering of young women ages 20-35 who's desire it is to know, love and serve God. We meet the 3rd Friday evening of each month at 6:30pm in various homes for community. We have a meal together, enjoy a causal speaker with discussion and prayer. Focused service projects, retreats and holiday parties are intentionally scheduled throughout the year. For location information, visit our church app or email dana@springs.church.