Mission Statement
We believe that God commanded the universal and local Church to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth until everyone has been reached. For Springs Church this means that we focus on both our neighbor as well as those around the globe.
Key Elements of the calling of the Great Commission:
• Preaching (Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15; Luke 24:47
• Disciple Making (Matthew 28:19)
• Life style witness of the individual believer (Luke 24:48; Acts 1:8)
• Training by the local church (Ephesians 4:11)
• The role of our Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit in empowering, sending, and verifying the message (Matthew 28:18, 20; Mark 16:17-18, 20; John 20:21; Acts 1:8; Acts 13:3-4)
• Sending Out (Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:15, John 20:21, Acts 13:1-4a)
• Baptism (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:41; 8:12, 26-28, 10:47)
• Follow up in the local church (Matthew 28:20, Acts 2:42)
Bob, Linda
Organization: Mission Training International
Live in Texas
Bob and Linda have been missionaries for over 40 years. They have done Missionary care for churches and 14 years of debriefing missionaries with Mission Training Intl. as well as oversees involvements. They live in Texas, continuing availability in coaching and personally ministering to missionaries and Christian leaders. Their mission is to help people reflect on their journey and find healing, that they might walk well with their Loving Father. They remain available to minister to groups and churches as the Lord opens doors.
Renato and Michele
Camden, Dawson, Zachary
Organization: Jacob’s Well
Live in North Dakota
The Cassula's started the ministry called "Jacob’s Well” to reach out to the impoverished rural communities of Brazil. Jacob’s Well focuses on community development and evangelism. After living on the field in Brazil for 6 years, they reached 9 communities and impacted over 2,500 people. The Cassula's have successfully transitioned the field operations to local Brazilians and their family has moved back to the USA to spread awareness of the need in Brazil and to strengthen the work of Jacob’s Well to reach out to other areas of the world. They oversee the work of Jacob’s Well in Brazil, while living in rural North Dakota where we are helping to strengthen the rural communities around them.
Lives in Guatemala
Organization: Little Lambs International
God has put it on my hearts of Carlos and Amanda to work in the towns of Zacapa and Jalapa.
In Zacapa they serve in 3 different churches helping with children's ministry, Sunday school, and VBS.
In Jalapa they work in a few government run orphanages and with Little Lambs. Their work consists of teaching children about our Savior, Jesus and facilitating missions teams that come to serve.
Jan and Zane
Organization: Moved in Heart Ministries
Live in Colorado Springs
Jan & Zane serve as Soul Care providers for missionaries and Marriage Mentors at Springs Church. They have relocated back to Colorado Springs but remain project managers in India overseeing two works registered with the Indian government. The focus of these ministries is utilizing story-telling techniques to foster discipleship in an oral society, outreach to leprosy villages, house church planting, home for the elderly, launching new ministries thru discipleship, vocational training for the poor, family counseling and tutoring for children.
Jonathan and Tina Nicholas
Amy, Christian, Elliana, Maya
Live in California
The Nicholas family is currently based in Redding, CA, and their heart is to train and lead young people to go into unreached Muslim areas to evangelize and distribute Bibles. Their goal is continual long term discipleship and seeing the gospel go into places that are considered closed. They are also working on translating the Bible into the last unreached people groups in the Middle East.
Cris and Emy
Nina, Jolaine
Lives in France
Our heart is to make disciples. We preach the gospel to our neighbors and in street outreaches. When people respond to the gospel, we teach them the life Jesus intended for us to live. We train them through Bible and life sharing. We take them to the streets with us to evangelize which results in house churches being born as they reach out to people within their own networks of influence.